Thursday, August 16, 2018

Govt. Has Implemented 16 Anti-Graft Recommendations: MEC, SaharNews, Sahar News

KABUL – The Independent Joint Anti-Corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (MEC) on Tuesday released its second quarterly monitoring report, saying the government has fully implemented 16 of its recommendations.

In the report, the MEC said it found that at least 16 out of the total 51 recommendations had been fully implemented during the quarter. Additionally, 23 recommendations were partially implemented and 11 recommendations saw limited progress in implementation and one recommendation was not implemented at all.

The MEC monitoring team during this quarter observed significant and broad-ranging improvements in implementation of recommendations. It said much of the progress in this quarter was related to capacity development at the AGO and its prosecutors, reforms in the Tashkiel, and providing required facilities to provincial AGO offices.

The report said The AGO developed ToRs for all prosecutors and operationalized the critical performance evaluation system for the prosecutors.

A Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS) was established within the AGO, with prosecutors recruited for up to 20 insecure districts.

Comprehensive legal training programs have been initiated to improve the capacity of prosecutors.

The AGO dramatically increased the portion of female employees from just three percent to 21 percent.

To increase inter-departmental engagement, the Provincial Appellate Prosecution directorates were also involved in the planning and budgeting processes.

The AGO has constructed office facilities for its provincial offices in Nuristan, Daikundi and Khost, while construction of these facilities in five additional provinces are underway.

At the same time, the MEC observed that some of its recommendations have not been implemented or have seen limited progress during this quarter.