Friday, August 24, 2018

Noor Warns to Boycott the Upcoming Elections and form Interim Gov’t

SaharNews, Sahar News,

Mazar-e-Sharif – Atta Mohammad Noor, the former governor of Balkh province and CEO of Jamiat-e-Islami party on Tuesday warned that “if transparency of the upcoming elections was not guaranteed, we would boycott the elections and would announce an interim government.”

Addressing Mazar-e-Sharif residents, during his Eid message, Noor said: “For the last time I am announcing to all friends, who are leaders of the government, to take my words seriously.”

Noor said if their demands are not met and election transparency is not guaranteed the political parties will call for the resignation of government leaders and install an interim government.

“If they don’t bring changes for transparency in the electoral system and didn’t hold a fair election, we will boycott the election process in advance and will take our next step,” Noor said.

Although he welcomed efforts being made to bring peace to the country, he said that the June ceasefire enabled Taliban members to infiltrate cities.

Noor claimed that since the end of the Eid ceasefire, on June 29 “over 7,000 Afghan security forces were martyred”.

He said Taliban entered cities during Eid and “they brought weapons with them.”

Meanwhile, Noor said the announcement of a ceasefire is not a solution to the ongoing violence.

President Ashraf Ghani earlier offered the Taliban a three-month ceasefire but the Taliban rejected his offer by firing rockets on Kabul city on Tuesday.