Thursday, August 30, 2018

NUG – The Government of Ashraf Ghani

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Most of the people in the world tend to appreciate and like the places they inhabit; however, Afghans seem different in this regard as it can be observed that many of them have migrated and are migrating to other countries in large numbers; even though, they face different sorts of hardships in other countries – they are humiliated, and many of them have unknown destinations waiting for them. Nevertheless, they are ready to face such hardships and that’s why many educated, uneducated and skilled, unskilled Afghans migrate to Australia, North America, Iran and Europe. Why is it so that Afghans migrate to other countries in such large numbers? The answer is that the country has been suffering from insecurity and instability for some decades now, and the situation does not seem to be improving. Even the current government – National Unity Government (NUG) – has not been able to tackle the situation; in fact, the situation has turned more fragile since its formation.

War is prevalent in different parts of country, and innocent people are killed on daily basis. The oppressed Afghans are tired of war and every person wishes to have peace. Women are widowed and children orphaned every day. NUG led by President Ashraf Ghani does not have any strategy to generate employment for the people. Increasing unemployed youth is a serious problem in the country recently, and it is increasing with each passing day. Furthermore, most of the people are dissatisfied with the rule of government, which seems to be the government of Ashraf Ghani alone, as he has been dominating the affairs of the government to a large extent. He seems more interested in strengthening his own rule, without consideration that too much centralization of power may prove detrimental for the diversified Afghan nation and the needs of its people. As a matter of fact, people demonstrate in some way or the other for justice, and President does not care and does not handle their problems.

In addition, in Afghanistan unemployment, administrative corruptions have peaked, and also discrimination is another big problem. If we look at the government offices, there is no consideration for merit, and there are many appointments based on ethnic considerations. Moreover, the administrative setup has also been crippled because of undue interference of President. He has been appointing and dismissing different ministers as per his own will.

In the economic sphere, the situation does not seem very heartening as well. Since, global aids brought some economic benefits over the last fifteen years, they could not be converted into true opportunities. Within last few years, many international organizations and funding brought job opportunities to the people; however, after most of the international troops withdrew from Afghanistan and closure of many foreign organizations and their activities, thousands of Afghans lost their jobs and incomes. While, NUG saw these economic opportunities fill the pockets of some among the ruling elite.

Moreover, Afghan government did not use international aids for development of economic infra-structure. If international aids were spent on such initiatives, today our youths would not unemployed and they wouldn’t migrate to other countries in such large numbers. Instead of providing opportunities to youth in the country so that they are not compelled to migrate, Ghani government is insistent that the Afghan refugees in other countries must be returned to Afghanistan, though there is no guaranteed security of their lives and livelihood.

Thus, the ghost of insecurity has kept on haunting Afghanistan. Today if we had security, we would have made a lot of progress and a lot of problems could be solved because Afghan people are very hardworking. In fact, Afghanistan is losing the potential of its youth and labor force to a large extent. What our youth and the people in general see in Afghanistan is a dark and insecure future, which may lead them to nowhere; therefore, they take the harsh decision of leaving their country.

Though people believed in Ashraf Ghani in last presidential election and voted for him because they thought that he would solve the problems of the country as he had a list of qualifications with himself. Nevertheless, in practical governance, he could not excel and the people remained entangled in hardships and difficulties. While, bringing peace and security, economic progress and removing discrimination, corruption, and creating job for people all remained just a dream for the people of Afghanistan.

Nevertheless, the people still have the option of making their lives, their future and their county better by making choices above their personal considerations. They have to see the larger political and social gains of the country as a whole, while they vote. Most importantly, they need to realize that the leaders and government that seem to centralize power for themselves will never be ready to think above their self-centred objectives.